The beloved children's TV show Sesame Street is back with an all-new season of shows devoted to diversity and inclusion. All of it is happening under the direction of a history-making new executive producer.
Women gathering to talk is big business. The TEDWomen conference is a yearly event that celebrates and embraces the power of women to be both creators and change makers. It's been in New York and on the West Coast, but will now call Atlanta, Ga., home.
The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities is hosting a candidate forum this week as a way to both show the power of the disability community and learn from the candidates about their disability platforms.
Polls can be used to drum up support for campaigns and reveal how closely aligned (or far apart) the general public is on consequential elections. But can they be trusted to determine what voters will do? And why do they vary so widely?
Mascots and characters often evoke childlike joy. But some Black children at Sesame Place experienced the pain of racism when coming face-to-face with their favorite Sesame Street characters. How do you deal with the unconscious bias of a human inside a costume that represents love and acceptance?