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Move On When Ready (MOWR) Act: Top 10 Questions Answered!
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According to U.S. News and World Report, approximately 1 in 8 juniors and seniors who took any AP exam received a passing score thereby earning them college credit for the course (2014). An alternative for students and parents to consider may be dual enrollment, which has a higher rate of success for earning college credit. At a time when college tuition is a real concern for many parents, a newly passed piece of legislation called Move On When Ready may make dual enrollment more accessible to a greater range of students across the state of Georgia. This program could potentially save parents thousands of dollars in tuition costs.
What is Move On When Ready?
Move On When Ready (MOWR) is a dual enrollment program for students to attend a postsecondary institution full- or part-time during their junior and/or senior year of high school and receive high school credit and college credit simultaneously while attending college classes on the college campus. The purpose of this bill is to streamline dual enrollment programs that already exist (Accel, HOPE Grant for dual enrollment, and Move On When Ready) into one program with one funding source.
When does Move On When Ready go into effect?
Senate Bill 132, also known as the Move on When Ready Act, was signed by Governor Deal in April and is effective as of July 1, 2015; therefore, the program will be available to students starting with the fall 2015 semester.
Are students enrolled in private high schools or who are homeschooled eligible to participate in Move On When Ready?
A student who wishes to participate in the new MOWR program must be enrolled in an ‘eligible high school,’ which is defined as “any private or public secondary educational institution located within the state of Georgia and any home study program operated pursuant to Code Section 20-2-690.”
How do students know what classes to take?
Students select courses from a single Move On When Ready course directory, which includes comparable required courses; career, technical, and agricultural education courses; and elective courses.
How are class credits awarded for Move On When Ready students?
For every course that is successfully completed at an eligible postsecondary institution, MOWR students will earn both high school and college credit.
Do high schools provide transportation?
High schools are not required to provide transportation to and from the postsecondary institution; however, public eligible high schools may apply to the Georgia Student Finance Commission for a transportation grant, provided availability of funds.
Are Move On When Ready students eligible to participate in high school activities?
Yes, MOWR students may continue to participate in activities, clubs, and athletics at their high school.
Are Move On When Ready students still required to take End of Course assessments?
Yes, public school students participating in the MOWR program are required to take any applicable End of Course tests. Students who are homeschooled or attend a private school are not required to take them.
What are the costs associated with participating in the Move On When Ready program?
Tuition, materials, fees, and possibly books are paid through the MOWR funding, but food, transportation, and other associated costs are the responsibility of the student. MOWR students are not eligible for any other type of state student financial aid.
How can I find out more information about Move On When Ready?
The following link will take you to a Frequently Asked Questions page that answers deeper questions about the Move On When Ready Act: http://gatracs.org/documents/MOWRFAQ_v4_06092015-final.pdf
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