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STEMify Your Classroom With Design Squad Global
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PBS Kids’ Design Squad Global allows students to step into the ever-expanding field of science, technology, engineering, and math—otherwise known as STEM—and develop real solutions for real problems. From designing emergency shelters to building earthquake-resistant structures, students work together to solve some of the world’s biggest issues.
Design Squad Global offers free six- and twelve-week long clubs and organizes global partner exchanges. Each club is paired with one in another country, allowing students to work collaboratively, share design and construction processes, and gain exposure and understanding of other communities.
“It’s great that my students in Georgia get to interact with students in South Africa,” said Brandi Metts, a STEM connections teacher and DSG sponsor at Pierce County Middle School. “My kids love talking with the South African students because they had totally different ideas about what they would be like. [My students] realized pretty quickly that they are much more alike than different.” To learn more about Brandi's success with DSG, click here.
Regardless of STEM background, DSG’s self-paced teacher guide allows educators of all disciplines to successfully run the club and activities. Targeting upper elementary and middle school aged students, Design Squad Global provides teachers and club sponsors free lesson materials, activity sheets, and training videos for easy implementation of the program. For the over 60 clubs across the US, sponsors have reported an increase in understanding and comfort in teaching engineering and global competency.
Students in Mbabane, Swaziland, build waste baskets to decrease litter around their school.
In addition to lesson plans, DSG also offers interactive online games. These games are great to use as extension activies, generate student interest, and realize the real-world application of STEM. (Truth be told, the GPB Education team had a blast playing them!)
Build a city for the fidgits that will stay safe and dry during a flood.
Make your own fidgits in the Fidgit Factory! Help them get ready for the dance party before your power runs out.
Solve challenges to save tiny creatures called Fidgits! Check out the library of challenges or make your own to share with friends.
Make your own music! Customize a virtual string instrument to play a song you write.
Join the club by December 15 to get started at the beginning of next semester!
Click here for more infomation on Design Squad Global.
GPB is proud to provide free resources to Georgia educators and students through our partnerships with Discovery Education and PBS LearningMedia. To learn more, follow us on twitter and like us on Facebook: @GPBEducation.
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