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Sesame Street Launches Sesame Street In Communities
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Since its debut on November 10, 1969, Sesame Street has been teaching children the letter and number of the day as well as how to deal with issues they may experience as they mature. Over the years, it has evolved into more than just a show. It has become a trusted source for countless educational resources that are available via the web and app stores. Recently, the brand has launched a new resource dedicated to supporting parents as they work extremely hard to raise healthy, happy children called Sesame Street in Communities.
Whether the primary language in the household is Spanish or English, Sesame Street in Communities equips them with an abundance of multi-media tools to assist in the positive development of kids from birth to age six. Videos, activities, printables, and digital interactives cover topics like divorce, healthy living, emotions, and math and literacy.
Children are able to see their favorite furry Muppets, and parents can address concepts using a method they understand best at this age-play. For example, in honor of Autism Awareness Month, parents can use the Explaining Autism assets to celebrate the diversity of their classmates, friends, and family. Videos highlighting uniqueness and cards with visually appealing illustrations depicting daily routines are just some of the things available for parents to use while covering this subject.
Parents, explore this amazing resource and share how you are going to use it on Facebook, Twitter, or in the comments below.