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New GKIDS Readiness Check Measures Kindergarteners' Entry-Level Skills
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Across the nation, many states are measuring students’ kindergarten readiness. The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE), in collaboration with the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL), has developed the GKIDS Readiness Check to enhance the existing Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS). The GKIDS Readiness Check measures a child's knowledge and skills upon kindergarten entry, determined to be the most essential by Georgia educators, in three areas: Foundations of School Success, English Language Arts, and Mathematics. The information gathered will help teachers plan instruction and families understand their child’s strengths and areas for growth.
“The Readiness Check is important because it helps us recognize a child’s individual needs in all areas of development. It also helps us begin to meet the children’s needs during the first stages of kindergarten,” says Jodi Plaisted, kindergarten teacher at Big A Elementary in Stephens County. “It also provides great information to share with families that shows ways to support the children at home.”
The GKIDS Readiness Check will take place during the first six weeks of kindergarten. Teachers may administer activities at any time during this window by observing and working with children as they engage in regular classroom learning and routines. The GKIDS Readiness Check will help teachers understand and meet each child’s individual needs in all areas of development. Teachers will share the information with families so they can work together to help children thrive in kindergarten and beyond.
A parent resource website is currently in development and will be available Summer 2017. This site will provide additional information on the GKIDS Readiness Check and will include videos, resources, and activity ideas.
For more information, go to gkidsreadinesscheck.gadoe.org or follow GaDOE on twitter or Facebook.