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Driving can be dangerous, so it's important to practice safe driving. That’s why Buckle Up Georgia, a GPB partnership with the Governor's Office of Highway Safety, needs students to drive this message home with the Buckle Up Georgia student video contest. 

Georgia high school students are encouraged to create a 30-second public service announcement about the importance of safe driving. Whether it’s avoiding distractions, following traffic laws, wearing your seatbelt, driving defensively, or all the above, students should be creative and help make a difference. 

Buckle Up Georgia Prizes:

  • 1st Place: Apple MacBook Pro
  • 2nd Place: Apple iPad
  • 3rd Place: Apple iPad 

All winning videos will also be featured on gpb.org

The contest begins September 28th and ends November 22, 2020. Click here to enter the contest.