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Classroom Resources To Celebrate Native American Heritage Month
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Native American Heritage Month honors the indigenous people living in the United States before the arrival of the Europeans. In November, the United States honors and celebrates the customs and legacy of Native Americans. Use this collection to introduce students to their cultures and traditions, as well as Native Americans' continued contributions.
GPB Digital Resources

Native Americans Collection | Georgia Stories
Grades: 6-12
Before Hernando de Soto and after Oglethorpe, Georgia was largely populated by Native Americans. Notable individuals from the Creek and Cherokee, along with their traditions, are rich in culture and history. Their encounters with European settlers and eventual conflict with Georgians led many Native Americans being forcibly removed from the state. This collection of 18 Georgia Stories videos explores the history, culture, and traditions of Georgia's native tribes.
Virtual Field Trips

The Indian Mounds experience includes virtual field trips to Ocmulgee National Monument, Kolomoki Mounds State Park, and Etowah Indian Mounds Historic Site.
The Creek Nation virtual field trip provides students with an in-depth look at the lives of the Creek Indians prior to the arrival of the first settlers in Georgia, the fight to remain on their land, and their removal from Georgia in the 1830s.
The Cherokee Nation virtual field trip affords an in-depth look at the lives of the Cherokee Indians, from their first encounters with Europeans to events, such as Georgia’s gold rush and the signing of the Indian Removal Act by President Andrew Jackson, that led to their forced relocation to Indian Territory in 1838. Students can explore the following three important historic sites: the Cherokee Nation capital of New Echota, the Chief John Ross House, and the Chieftains Museum.
PBS LearningMedia Resources

Native American Heritage Collection
Grades: 3-12
Take a fascinating look at Native American art, history, and culture as told through the historians, artists, students, and scientists in this featured resource collection.
Alaska Native Perspectives on Earth and Climate
Grades: 6-12
As the environmental, economic, and political consequences of climate change are felt in Alaska, the Arctic, and throughout the world, we have much to learn from both the traditional knowledge of Native peoples and ongoing scientific research. These two methods of observing nature and solving the challenges of survival can provide complementary perspectives on these issues. This collection looks at Alaska’s unique geology and the impact of development and climate change using both of these tools, and features Alaska Native scientists who are working toward solutions.
The Dreamcatcher | Native American Culture
Grades: 5-12
Susan Mullins (Kwaronhia:wi), a Mohawk from the Kahnawake reserve in Canada who now resides in Berea, KY, shows her grandchildren how to create a dreamcatcher, an item designed to catch bad dreams and let good dreams through. The dreamcatcher originated with the Ojibwe but has been adopted by other nations.
Native America in the Classroom
Grades: 6-12
In this collection, you will find PBS' Native America program in full, along with stand-alone clips and classroom activities. The video clips and associated support materials bring the value of sacred origin stories and the complexity of early Native city planning to life, and culminate in hands-on activities designed to help students better understand both.
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