view of national parks in Georgia

There are 398 national parks and on select dates this year all of them will have free admission. I was surprised to see that the free admission dates coincide with national holiday weekends so that you can really make the most of free admission. So many places limit the free admission to just weekdays or "any odd numbered date in the month of February when it is snowing as long as that isn't a weekend." You know what I'm talking about.

Here are those dates:

January 21

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
April 22-26

five days during National Park Week
August 25

National Park Service Birthday
September 28

National Public Lands Day
November 9-11

Veterans Day weekend

Another surprise I learned is that of the 398 national parks, 265 of them are free all year long! Georgia is home to several national parks, so you can start exploring close to home from anywhere in the state.