image via Flicker (Lyn Lomasi)

The tax-free back-to-school shopping weekend is back on August 1 and August 2, 2014 across the state of Georgia! The rules from previous years remain the same. The main and notable difference is the timing of this year’s tax exemption. It seems that the public’s complaint at having the exemption a full week or more after school started last year caught the attention of policy makers. This year's exemption is this coming weekend and next year’s dates have already been named (July 31 and August 1, 2015).

Here is a list of items that are exempt and non-exempt.

Rules to follow while you’re out shopping:

Clothing (including footwear) with a sales price of $100.00 or less per item.

Tablets, personal computers and personal computer-related accessories are included if each item is less than $1,000.

General school supplies to be used in the classroom or in classroom-related activities with a sales price of $20.00 or less per item.


Belt buckles sold separately

Patches or emblems sold separately (this will impact some private school students and athletes/ club/ organization uniforms)

Sewing materials and equipment (If you’re making uniforms or clothing, those resources are not covered.)

Cell phones


Common Questions

Are uniforms for athletic events covered?

Yes. The price limit still applies ($100 per item). However, if you’re renting uniforms or costumes, those items do not qualify for the tax exemption.

Can I shop tax-free online?

Probably. Which is to say, yes, that is possible. Keep in mind that each store will have to rearrange its codes so that when you enter your shipping and/ or billing address to reflect your home state, the technology will have to be in place to take the taxes off of your bill. Some online retailers will be more aware of Georgia’s tax exemption than others. The best way to find out for sure is to take advantage of the toll-free number or live chat options with the retailers directly.

If you have more tax-free weekend questions, leave them in the comments below and we’ll try to find the answers for you.