In this episode, we unravel the complex story of Alvin Ridley, the "Zenith Man," a television repairman from a small town in Georgia who was accused of murdering his wife in 1997. Despite his eccentric behavior and a town's suspicion, the truth behind his wife's death revealed a different narrative. Join Orlando Montoya and Peter Biello as they discuss the new book, Zenith Man: Death, Love, and Redemption in a Georgia Courtroom, written by McCracken Poston Jr., the lawyer who defended Alvin Ridley. This episode explores the unique life of Ridley, his struggles with autism, and the courtroom drama that ultimately led to his acquittal.
Ryan Oyer is a dad, sings in hotel lounges in Chattanooga, and works a full-time job in Northwest Georgia's flooring industry. He is also recording his seventh album. In this episode, you'll hear from an accomplished singer-songwriter who doesn't necessarily want to be famous.
Peach Jam Podcast features stories and songs recorded live in our GPB studios from a variety of incredibly talented and diverse bands and artists who call the Peach State home.