Science Learning Plans

Content experts at the Georgia Department of Education have developed Learning Plans for teachers and parents. These Georgia standards-based plans were specifically designed for use as support for school districts, administrators, teachers, and parents who are working to provide students with quality content.

The plans are easy-to-use and include both “plugged and unplugged” activities. Check back for more Learning Plans in each content area as they are updated weekly. 

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  • Kindergarten

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about physical attributes. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about living and non-living objects. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students learn about patterns and changes in the day and night sky. Click to download.


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  • 1st Grade

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about plants throughout the year. This segment will focus on the plants portion of S1L1.  Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will investigate sound. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students investigate magnets and explain how they can be used. Click to download.


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  • 2nd Grade

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about shadows.  Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about life cycles. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students learn about physical properties and changes in matter. Click to download.


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  • 3rd Grade

    NEW! Science Phenomenon Tasks:

    These instructional tasks are phenomenon-driven plans that utilize the science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts. The plans are not tied to existing instructional segments and can be implemented regardless of pacing!

    3rd Grade: Adaptations         

    3rd Grade: Energy Transfer  

    3rd Grade: Evidence of Past Organisms

    3rd Grade: Properties of Soil             

    3rd Grade: Rocks                  

    3rd Grade: Sunlight Absorption

    3rd Grade: Habitats of Georgia         

    3rd Grade: Pollution                           

    3rd Grade: Fossils


    NEW! Science Multimodality Stations:

    The multimodality stations leverage language development to deepen student understanding of science through listening, reading, speaking, and writing.

    3rd Grade Multimodality: Animals and Plants

    3rd Grade Multimodality: Pollution


    NEW! Science Literacy Plan:

    This literacy-based science task is a three-dimensional science lesson that leverages literacy skills to deepen student understanding of science through reading and writing. All student sheets and teacher materials are included!

    3rd Grade: Fossils


    NEW! Self-Evaluation Checklists:

    These checklists are designed to allow students to self-assess their understanding. The checklists use student friendly science language that aligns with the Georgia Standards of Excellence. Consider using this resource to support students progressing towards standard mastery

    3rd Grade


    NEW! Supporting the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts:

    These documents provide supports and suggestions for how students can interact with these integral pieces of the science standards.

    K-5 Crosscutting Concepts   

    K-5 Science and Engineering Practices


    NEW! Science Teacher Notes:

    The notes are packed with background information for the disciplinary core ideas, application of the science and engineering practices, potential ideas that students enter the classroom with, and basic phenomena ideas.

    3rd Grade


    More Digital Learning Plans:

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about the rocks and soils of Georgia.  Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about the survival of plants and animals in Georgia’s geographic regions. Click to download. 

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about the ways heat energy is transferred and measures. Click to download.


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  • 4th Grade

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about weather, moon phases, collecting data. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about wave interactions and how light and sound are created. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will use background knowledge of the needs of plants and animals to relate how changes in water, food, light, soil, etc. can cause problems. Click to download.

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  • 5th Grade

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about Earth changes over time, including erosion and weathering. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will be able to obtain, evaluate and communicate information explaining differences in physical and chemical changes. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about traits, characteristics, and behaviors. Click to download.

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  • 6th Grade

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about the solar system and beyond. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about water in Earth’s processes. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students learn about water in Earth’s processes and natural resources. Click to download.

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  • 7th Grade

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about the interdependence of organisms, relationships in ecosystems, cycling of matter and energy, biomes. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about populations changing and inheriting traits. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students learn about biomes and ecosystem relationships. Click to download.

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  • 8th Grade

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about atomic structure, chemical and physical properties and changes, periodic table. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about energy conservation and transformation. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students develop models and explanations about waves. Click to download.

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  • Biology (HS)

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about the interdependence of organisms, cycling of energy, cycling of matter, stability of an ecosystem, and human impact. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about population changes over time. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn how populations are affected by the ecosystems around them. Click to download.

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  • Environmental Science (HS)

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about planet Earth, energy, succession, and biodiversity. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about human impact on natural resources. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will develop a sustainable energy plan for their area. Click to download.

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  • Chemistry (HS)

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about atomic theory and characteristics of atoms and elements. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about solution properties and concentration. Click to download. 

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about periodic trends and properties. Click to download.

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  • Physical Science (HS)

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about atomic structure, subatomic particles, periodic table and bonding. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about wave properties and behavior. Click to download. 

    Big Idea/Topic: Students conduct mini-labs and develop models of chemical reactions. Click to download.

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  • Physics (HS)

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will be introduced to one-dimensional motion. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students build small rockets to investigate forces and energy conservation. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students investigate circuit relationships and magnetic fields. Click to download.

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  • Earth Systems (HS)

    Big Idea/Topic: Students will learn about landscape change. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students learn about change and distribution. Click to download.

    Big Idea/Topic: Students learn about solar energy and its role in weather and climate. Click to download.

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