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The Moth StorySLAM: In It Together
Join us at the Plaza Theatre for The Moth StorySLAM! This month's theme is In It Together.
Monday, February 13, 2023
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
IN IT TOGETHER: Prepare a five-minute story about feeling included or on your own, seen or unseen, a part of the group, or left out in the cold. A moment when folks had your back or threw you to the wolves. In the mix, or on the outskirts. Leveling the playing field at work or watching from the bench. Fitting in, taking the lead, lending a hand.
The Moth StorySLAMS are community-focused, open-mic storytelling competitions in which anyone can share a five-minute story on the night’s theme.
Doors open at 7, stories begin at 7:30