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Sesame Street in Communities Professional Learning: Exploring Emotions
Professional learning opportunity for early childhood educators focused on Sesame Street in Communities free resources
3 - 4 p.m.
Sesame Street in Communities is home to hundreds of free, bilingual multi-media tools to help kids and families enrich and expand their knowledge during their earliest years. The robust site is designed to enhance the amazing work that educators are already doing with kids and families in their communities.
Join us for this one-hour virtual professional learning workshop during which we will explore how Sesame Street has utilized the free online platform for parents and providers to create resources to address and respond to the needs of children.
Feelings come in all shapes and sizes. When you help children express and understand their emotions, you're helping them to overcome challenges, understand others, and communicate.
Workshop participants will learn about the free resources available to address the needs of the children they care for and practice real-life application methods that can be utilized in early learning classrooms and in-home care environments.
Workshop participants will have the option to receive one DECAL-approved Professional Learning Credit Unit.