Firefighters Capt. Billy Shoemaker, Steven Woodworth, and Roderick Smith go behind the scenes of firefighting in Atlanta to show what it takes to do an often overlooked but necessary job.

When the Smoke Has Cleared: Behind the Scenes with Georgia's Firefighters

When the Smoke Has Cleared: Behind the Scenes with Georgia's Firefighters

Firefighters Capt. Billy Shoemaker, Steven Woodworth, and Roderick Smith go behind the scenes of firefighting in Atlanta to show what it takes to do an often overlooked but necessary job.

Social Studies


Explain the origins and purposes, of city, county, and special-purpose governments in Georgia.


Describe how local government is funded and how spending decisions are made.

1. At the time of this production, infrared cameras for firefighters cost about $23,000. Construct an argument of whether or not these cameras should be available to every station. Keep in mind that the fire department is funded by taxpayer money.

2. Explain the role of modern day fire fighters.

While the number of fires has greatly diminished over the past several decades, today's firefighters do more than put out flames. As a first responder, they respond to medical emergencies and various threats.

3. Would you be willing to take a job that risked your life like firefighting? Explain your answer. 

1. Scan the news using newspapers, radio or television broadcasts, or the Internet for one week and record all the incidences where the fire department is called to do a job. At the end of the week, write a paragraph summarizing the work of the fire department, concluding with your opinion of its value to the community.

sales tax: fee paid to a governing body for the production, distribution, and consumption of certain goods and services

infrared: producing or using rays of light that cannot be seen and that are longer than rays that produce red light

skin graft: surgery removing skin from one area of the body and moving it to repair a different area of the body

1. At the time of this production, infrared cameras for firefighters cost about $23,000. Construct an argument of whether or not these cameras should be available to every station. Keep in mind that the fire department is funded by taxpayer money.

Student answers will vary. 

2. Explain the role of modern day fire fighters. 

While the number of fires has greatly diminished over the past several decades, today's firefighters do more than put out flames. As a first responder, they respond to medical emergencies and various threats. 

3. Would you be willing to take a job that risked your life like firefighting? Explain your answer. 

Student answers will vary.

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