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Sarah Palin Endorses Karen Handel
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Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has made her pick in Georgia’s Republican Governors race. It may put her at odds with one of Georgia’s most conservative groups.
Karen Handel is the winner of Sarah Palin’s endorsement. Various polls are showing Handel in 2nd or 3rd place in the Republican primary.
But Handel is the only one of the seven Republicans running who does not have the nod of approval from the anti-abortion group Georgia Right to Life. Chuck Clay with polling site Insider Advantage Georgia says Palin made a calculated move.
"The fact that she was willing to endorse Handel, who does not have one of the traditional check boxes in Georgia’s Republican, primary which is Georgia right to life, shows that [Palin] must still think that this is a campaign worth being a part off," he says.
Handel opposes abortion, but she would make exceptions for rape and incest. She's also in favor of fertility treatment. Those positions have cost her endorsement of Georgia Right to Life.
Tags: Georgia, Atlanta, election, Karen Handel, elections, Sarah Palin, Republican Primary, Georgia Right to life