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Georgia Kids Not Improving
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Georgia’s children are still ranked 42nd in poverty and health statistics. That's the same as last year. The state has been unable to break out of the bottom ten rankings.
The annual Kids Count, by the Annie E. Casey Foundation rankings show that Georgia did improve its high school dropout rates and now ranks 36th.
In the area of in infant mortality and children living in poverty, the state’s ranking did not change, remaining at 42nd and 43rd.
Teen pregnancy rates got worse dropping the state from 39th to 40th in the country says Taifa Butler with Georgia Family Connection
“In the last two years our teen birth rate has started to tick upwards so we’re seeing more teen birth based on those date," she says.
Butler says there was only one time Georgia broke out of the bottom ten in the 21 years the Kids Count has been around. That was in the last 90s when Georiga's child welfare was ranked 39th in the nation.
Tags: Georgia, Atlanta, teen pregnancy, Kids Count, Annie E. Casey Foundation
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