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Sea Turtle Center Releases 2 Patients
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The Georgia Sea Turtle Center is returning two of its amphibious patients to the wild.
Staff at the sea turtle hospital on Jekyll Island planned to release the turtles on the beach at noon Wednesday. Each spent several weeks recovering from illness and injuries.
A juvenile Kemp's Ridley sea turtle named Robin was found June 6 with a large fishing hook lodged in its esophagus. Veterinarians found the turtle also suffered an infection after being hit by a boat.
The second turtle, a young green sea turtle called Nat, was discovered floating neat a pier. Nat was underweight and anemic with a skin lesion under one of its flippers.
Terry Norton, director of the Georgia Sea Turtle Center, said both turtles have recovered and can return to the ocean.
Tags: sea turtles, Georgia Sea Turtle Center, sea turtle