Sam Olens

Sam Olens / AP Photo

Today on "Political Rewind," our panel of political insiders discuss the recent happenings in state and national politics.

Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens is in the process of interviewing for a new job as Kennesaw State University president. In the past, Olens had expressed aspirations to become governor. Our guests offer their views on how the worlds of education and politics have collided in this unusual situation. 

Bill Clinton recently made comments about the Affordable Care Act that has drawn unwanted attention. We talk about the role of the former president as he campaigns for Hillary while simultaneously preserving his own presidential legacy.

Vice presidential candidates Mike Pence and Tim Kaine squared off in a debate Tuesday night for what may be the first and last time many voters hear from the candidates. Much has been made about the performance of each nominee and our panel will continue to dive deep into their messages and how they align with their respective running mates.



Jim Galloway – AJC Political Insider Blog

Andra Gillespie – Emory University Political Science Professor

Brian Robinson– Former Assistant Chief of Staff for Governor Deal


Post written by GPB News intern Robert Jimison