Michael Keaton as Batman, left, and Jack Nicholson as Joker starred in the 1989 Tim Burton film


Michael Keaton as Batman, left, and Jack Nicholson as Joker starred in the 1989 Tim Burton film "Batman." / Google Images

Some of Hollywood’s biggest blockbusters over the past few years have something in common: their characters were born on the pages of comic books and graphic novels.

Emory University’s College of Arts and Sciences has teamed up with the Department of Film and Media Studies to bring some of those films back to the big screen. The Emory Cinematheque series “Drawn to Film: From Comics to Cinema” is free and open to the public Wednesday nights on campus.

We talk with Emory senior lecturer of film and media studies Eddy Von Mueller, the series curator, about the shared history of comics and movies.

"Movies based on comics have been around as long as we've had movies," Emory film and media studies senior lecturer Eddy Von Muller says. "In 1904, they were making a movie series based on the Buster Brown comic strip, and most of these properties have been on the big screen or the small screen forever."