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'Liberal Redneck' Trae Crowder Breaks Down Southern Stereotypes
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Sometimes the best way to deal with serious subjects is to have a laugh. Comedian Trae Crowder uses humor to talk about politics and culture, and he's found a big following online. Trae calls himself "the Liberal Redneck" and he seems to take pleasure in flouting Southern stereotypes.
He'll perform in Georgia this week as part of the WellRED Comedy Tour, along with fellow comics Corey Ryan Forrester and Drew Morgan. The three of them also have a new book called "The Liberal Redneck Manifesto: Draggin' Dixie Outta the Dark."
Comedian Trae Crowder, who's better known as "the Liberal Redneck" says he's trying to stop people from thinking that all Southerners are "ignorant and stupid and backward and racist."
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