Four-vessel brewhouse with a thirty-barrel brew-length at Monday Night Brewing in Atlanta, February 11, 2017.

Four-vessel brewhouse with a thirty-barrel brew-length at Monday Night Brewing in Atlanta, February 11, 2017. / CC

The Georgia brewery bill has turned into the booze bill.

Lawmakers combined legislation that allows breweries to sell directly to the customer with another proposal that would permit distilleries to do the same thing.

The bill cleared the House Regulated Industries Committee Tuesday and heads to the floor for a likely vote. It has strong support from many influential lawmakers.

The proposal would negate a prohibition era law that required distillers and brewers to use a distributer to get the product to the consumer. Visitors to distilleries or breweries would be able to enjoy a few drinks onsite and purchase up to a case of beer or three 750 ml bottles of liquor to take home if approved.

Proponents say the change would be a boon to small business.