

The "Spirit of America" rally in Atlanta, Georgia on Feb. 27, 2017. / Atlanta Journal- Constitution

Trump supporters across the nation are organizing rallies this week in response to the anti-Trump protests that have been taking place since he was elected. About 60 cities throughout the Unites States have “Spirit of America” rallies planned to take place on Feb. 27 and March 4. Atlanta’s rally began at noon on Feb. 27.

Debbie Dooley, Georgia Tea Party Patriots state coordinator, organized the Atlanta rally. It took place at Liberty Plaza, across the street from the state capitol. The small rallies aim to show support for Trump and his efforts.

“These rallies are inclusive, non-partisan, and open to anyone supporting President Trump in his efforts to bring back manufacturing jobs to America, put the security of our nation ahead of political correctness, improve our infrastructure, revitalize the inner cities and secure our nation’s borders,” Dooley said in a press release.

These rallies are not intended to be tea party events. Those who voted for Trump and helped him get elected want their voices to be heard. The event coordinators are encouraging supporters to be positive, patriotic, and uplifting.

“Average citizens from across the political spectrum and all walks of life elected Mr. Trump and we at GatorPAC are especially pleased to help him with his national effort to Make America Great Again,” Retired Colonel Rob Maness, former U.S. Senate Candidate and Chairman of GatorPAC, said in a press release.

The “Spirit of America” event in Atlanta follows in the wake of another pro-Trump rally that occured over the weekend. The “Make America Great Again” rally took place at the Okefenokee Fairgrounds in Waycross, Ga on Feb. 25. 

About 150 community members gathered in Liberty Plaza to show their support for Trump. Greg Bluestein, Atlanta Journal- Constitution political reporter, captured some moments from the rally on his Twitter account. 

The event concluded at 2 p.m.