Plant Vogtle in Burke County, Georgia.


Plant Vogtle in Burke County, Georgia. / Wikimedia Commons

Today on “Political Rewind,“ what comes next for the Plant Vogtle expansion? The $25 billion project has been in the works for years, but the builders – Westinghouse, a subsidiary of Toshiba – went bankrupt and future completion is questionable. Georgia Power customers have already paid additional fees for construction of the plant; what happens next? Public Service Commissioner Tim Echols joins us to discuss where we are and what it will take to move forward.

News that Robert Mueller is convening a grand jury on the Russia probe is stirring the already boiling pot in Washington. Our panel digs in on the evidence we know about so far and how partisans are reacting. And we look at Jeff Sessions’ plan to stop all the leaking coming out of the White House.



Jim Galloway ­– Political Columnist, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Edward Lindsey – Fmr. State Representative

Melita Easters – Executive Director Georgia's WIN List

Tim Echols – Public Service Commissioner