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Sam Nunn Talks North Korea And Russia
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Our guest on today’s show is former Georgia U.S. Senator Sam Nunn. Nunn served in the U.S. senate for 24 years. He was the chairman of the prestigious Armed Services Committee and of the Permanent Sub-Committee on Investigations. After retiring from the senate in 1997, he became the founder of the Nuclear Threat Initiative, a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing catastrophic attacks with weapons of mass destruction. The organization works to reduce global nuclear stockpiles and to end the proliferation of nuclear and chemical and biological weapons.
We asked Senator Nunn to talk with us about President Trump’s bellicose statement, threatening military strikes against North Korea and about his views on how to de-escalate tensions with North Korea. We also ask him for his thoughts on how the Trump Administration can work to reduce tensions between the United States and Russia and ask him whether he believes Donald Trump is making a mistake to refuse to be critical of Vladimir Putin.
Political Rewind for Wednesday August, 9 2017.
During the 2016 presidential election, Nunn openly questioned whether Trump could responsibly handle our nuclear arsenal in a Wall Street Journal op-ed titled, "Only Hilary Clinton is Prepared for the Nuclear Threat."
Jim Galloway, AJC Political Writer
Lori Geary, former political reporter, WSB-TV
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