Chatham County Police Chief Jeff Hadley gets his new badge from County Manager Lee Smith.

Chatham County Police Chief Jeff Hadley gets his new badge from County Manager Lee Smith. / GPB News

On February 1, Savannah and Chatham County will no longer share a police force. Local leaders voted earlier this year to end the merger, and create a separate Chatham County Police Department for the unincorporated areas. Jeff Hadley was sworn in as chief of that department last week.Chatham County Police Chief Jeff Hadley talks with GPB's Emily Jones.

A spokesman for Savannah Chief Jack Lumpkin deferred any questions on the demerger to elected officials.

"He's going to do well, and we'll be partners," Lumpkin told GPB at Hadley's swearing in.

Some interview highlights:

On what county residents can expect

"We're going to be responsive. We're going to be visible. We're going to be timely, as best we can, and they're going to have go-to people to air they're concerns. And we're going to provide them the services that they want and deserve."

On leading the department after the contentious demerger

"Whatever existed before I got here, I guess it existed outside my understanding of it, quite frankly. I read the papers and certainly asked the questions that needed to be asked. But at the end of the day, we're here. We're the Chatham County Police Department. And we're good to go."

On working with the Savannah Police Department

"We're going to go forward. And we're going to find where we can help each other, I think, as we go along, like any relationship does. Because we all have a part in making the Savannah metro area successful. So this isn't about us versus them or we're the department in spite of Savannah."