GPB's Leah Fleming speaks with mayor-elect Rey Martinez

Gwinnett County is fast becoming one of the most diverse areas in all of Georgia, and even throughout the southeast.


The county has been experiencing a cultural shift over the years.  


In fact, white residents no longer make up the majority of the county’s registered voters, and last year’s elections are proof of that.


In Norcross, councilman Craig Newton became Gwinnett’s first-ever black mayor.



And in Loganville, Rey Martinez will be sworn-in as that city's first Latino mayor today.


GPB's Leah Fleming speaks with Martinez about his support of president Trump and his plans for Loganville once he takes office.




Rey Martinez, Gwinnett's first Latino mayor


Rey Martinez, Gwinnett's first Latino mayor

Tags: Mayor  Latino  Gwinnett  Atlanta  Georgia