International Space Station (ISS) crew member Scott Kelly of the U.S. reacts after landing near the town of Dzhezkazgan, Kazakhstan.

International Space Station (ISS) crew member Scott Kelly of the U.S. reacts after landing near the town of Dzhezkazgan, Kazakhstan.

On this edition of “Two Way Street,” Bill talks to astronaut Scott Kelly, who holds the American record for most consecutive days in space. His 340 days aboard the International Space Station (ISS) is the subject of his new memoir, “Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery.”

Kelly talks about the challenges of long-term spaceflight, including being unavailable to his loved ones. “If something happens to them,” Kelly says about family, “you’re not coming home.” That was the case when his sister-in-law, Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, was nearly shot dead in 2011. He tells us what it was like to receive that news in space.

Plus, what’s it like to be a father who’s over 200 miles from earth? Kelly reveals what it’s like to parent from space.

He also describes daily life aboard the ISS. What did he miss most about life on earth? Kelly tells us the first thing he did after returning to earth.

We also hear about the political dynamic between the ISS’s international space crew. What was Kelly’s relationship with his Russian colleagues like? And what was it like to watch the 2016 presidential election unfold from space? Kelly shares that and more on this “Two Way Street."

Scott Kelly in the GPB studio with his The Varsity crown (left corner).

Scott Kelly in the GPB studio with his The Varsity crown (left corner).