Map of Webb Gin House Road


Map of Webb Gin House Road

Webb Gin House Road is located off the end of Ronald Reagan Parkway in Snellville, Ga. 

Rickey Bevington shares the simple story behind how Webb Gin House Road got its name.

The answer to how the street got its name is rather simple. 

While the word "Gin" may lead people to believe the road prohibition ties, that is actually not the case.

Cotton was one of the most profitable goods produced by the south in the 1800s.

And a cotton gin is a machine that separates cotton from its seed. 

And according to the AJC, the stretch of road that is now known as Webb Gin House Road, was once the path people took to get to a cotton gin owned by Reverend Andrew J. Webb.

Webb lived in the area in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Click here to find more stories behind curious Atlanta names from our summer 2018 series "What's In A Name?" on 88.5 GPB Atlanta’s All Things Considered.


A cotton gin


A cotton gin