"To Dust" is a dark buddy comedy featuring actors Matthew Broderick and Géza Röhrig. It will be screened as a part of the 2019 Atlanta Jewish Film Festival.


"To Dust" is a dark buddy comedy featuring actors Matthew Broderick and Géza Röhrig. It will be screened as a part of the 2019 Atlanta Jewish Film Festival.

The Atlanta Jewish Film Festival was founded in the year 2000 and saw nearly as many visitors that first year. Since then, it's grown into the largest Jewish film festival in the world, now attracting tens of thousands of moviegoers each year.

The 2019 festival begins Wednesday, and it will showcase 76 films across 180 screenings over the next three weeks. The goal, organizers say, is to inspire "social and cultural understanding" among all communities. Hazel Gold, co-chair of the Film Evaluation Committee for the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival, joined "On Second Thought" to talk about how the showcase is curated.

Shawn Snyder, the director and co-writer of "To Dust," also joined the conversation on the line from New York. His film, a dark buddy comedy featuring actors Matthew Broderick and Géza Röhrig, will be screened as a part of the 2019 line-up.

"On Second Thought" host Virginia Prescott speaks with Hazel Gold of the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival and Shawn Snyder, director and co-writer of the new film, "To Dust."

"To Dust" opens March 1 at the Springs Cinema and Tap house in Sandy Springs and at the Tara Cinemas 4 in Atlanta. 


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