Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan


Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan

On this edition of Political Rewind, we sit down with the state's new Lt. Gov., Geoff Duncan. Elected last November, he just completed his first session presiding over the state Senate.



We’ll talk to Duncan about the experience overseeing a body that previous senate presidents have found tough to tame. We also discuss measures passed during the first session, including a bill that promises a limited expansion of Medicaid and the hotly controversial "heartbeat" abortion bill.


Interview Highlights

Duncan on Insurance Commissioner Jim Beck being indicted on 38 felony counts:

When I read through this, I mean, I was I was taken aback by the what is being alleged at the level of sophistication and just the fraudulent ongoing effort for multiple years. This is serious stuff and we're going to continue to watch this process play out on the way in... But, I want to make sure people understand where I stand on this issue: there is no place for corruption. I don't care if you're a Republican, a Democrat, Independent or don't know what you are. There is no place in public office to be corrupt. And if this proves to be true, then the full weight and fury of the law needs to come out.

Duncan on HB 481, aka the "heartbeat" bill:

There is no perfect answer for all of this, and I think the debate that we've had here in Georgia's then one that, I believe, has been very respectful. We've probably caught some folks off guard with how respectful those issues are. I think this is also one of these issues, if we want to specifically talk about abortion, where science and technology is working on our in our favor on the pro-life side of this issue. I think as time continues to move on, as technology and sciences continue to develop, I think it continues to work in our favor.

Duncan on veto of school safety measure: 

I can tell you this governor will never stop talking about school safety, nor will I. We understand the issue. That's why I think we saw this year $69 million put in the budget, $30,000 per school, to harden the infrastructure around there we are committed to school safety will continue to be. So, yes, I do continue to see a conversation going around this. I just think that the veto that was taken, the way I interpreted it, was that it was pushing out to the locals and mandating them to take a certain direction.



Geoff Duncan -- Lieutenant Governor of Georgia

Greg Bluestein -- Political Reporter, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution