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On Second Thought For Friday, June 7, 2019
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When it comes to the 2020 elections, big name Democrats are making a major play for Georgia. Biden, Booker, Beto and Buttigieg – and those are just the candidates who are in the state this week. We hear how the visiting hopefuls pitched themselves to Georgia voters.
On Second Thought For Friday, June 7, 2019
Construction cranes poke through the skyline across metro Atlanta. It's a testament to growth and efforts to draw new companies and residents to call the region home.
Not so visible are the millions of Americans being thrown out of their homes.
The Eviction Lab at Princeton University found nearly 2.3 million evictions were filed in the U.S. in 2016.
NPR's On The Media partnered with The Eviction Lab for a four-part series called "The Scarlet E: Unmasking America's Eviction Crisis." On The Media co-host Brooke Gladstone joined us to break down eviction rate statistics in Atlanta and other cities she reports on for the series.
Not all superheroes wear capes, jump over buildings or hail from Wakanda. And, if you're near downtown Atlanta, you may run into non-traditional superheroes known as the W-Underdogs. The nonprofit works with at-risk kids by rescuing dogs in the neighborhood. Gracie Hamlin is founder of the program. She joined On Second Thought to talk about the organization.
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