The empty courtroom is seen at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington.


The empty courtroom is seen at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington. / AP Photo

On this edition of Political Rewind, the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia has filed a lawsuit asking the federal court to block implementation of the state’s restrictive new abortion law.  ACLU Director Andrea Young joins us to discuss the basis for the suit.

Young says, "it is plantation patriarchy mentality. We had a legacy in this country of controling black women and their bodies and their self-determination and this si rooted in that ideology and it is extremely offensive."

RELATED: Georgia Abortion Providers File Fedeal Suit Against State's 'Fetal Heartbeat' Law 

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that those who look to end partisan gerrymandering  must look for alternatives at the state level.  This makes Georgia’s stakes in the 2020 legislative race higher than ever. 

In a separate decision, the Supreme Court gave an unlikely response to the Trump Administration’s push for the citizenship census question.  The majority says the administration has been dishonest in its legal filings on why it wants the question on next year’s census.



Jim Galloway -- Lead Political Writer, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Stacey Evans -- Democratic Strategist 

Brian Robinson -- Republican Strategist

Andrea Young -- Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia