New York Times best-selling novelist Joshilyn Jackson.


New York Times best-selling novelist Joshilyn Jackson.

Mining below the surface of ordinary lives has made Joshilyn Jackson a multiple New York Times best-selling novelist.

Her newest book, Never Have I Ever, ratchets things up to thriller level when a new neighbor knocks at Amy’s door. The sultry and charming stranger, Roux, hijacks the agenda at book club, and soon moves onto Amy’s life with a blackmail scheme to expose a long buried secret.

On Second Thought host Virginia Prescott speaks with Joshilyn Jackson.

Joshilyn Jackson will be at the Decatur Book Festival on Saturday, Aug. 31 to talk about Never Have I Ever. There is a book launch Tuesday, Aug. 6 at Eagle Eye Books. She joined On Second Thought to talk about her new book.


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