John P. Imlay Junior Dean Charles Isbell joins GPB's On Second Thought.


John P. Imlay Junior Dean Charles Isbell joins GPB's On Second Thought.

Artificial intelligence is changing technology and is already shaping the world we live in, from using Siri and Alexa to choosing the best route home from work. However, there is often a gap between way we use AI and the way we imagine its potential for the future  — whether it's discovering a cure for cancer, taking over our jobs, or even turning on us to overtake the planet.

Charles Isbell was named John P. Imlay Jr. Dean at Georgia Tech's College of Computing on July 1. He joined On Second Thought to talk about that gap in understanding.

On Second Thought host Virginia Prescott speaks with Charles Isbell.

Isbell touched on the way Georgians already use AI to improve daily life, the importance of training diverse local talent in the tech industry, and why imagining the future of AI often sparks both fear and awe. 


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