The stars of "Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests" bring their haunted tales to "On Second Thought."


The stars of "Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests" bring their haunted tales to "On Second Thought."

Picture this: It's Friday night. You're all alone and suddenly hear creepy noices — maybe even see shadows from the corner of your eye. Who ya gonna call? The Ghost Brothers are Atlanta-based. 

The trio of fraternity brothers started investigating places reported to be haunted on reality television in 2016. Their new series, Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests, investigates residential phenomena. 

"On Second Thought" host Virginia Prescott speaks with Dalen Spratt, Juwan Mass and Marcus Harvey.

On Second Thought invited the Ghost Brothers stars and was dying to learn more about their paranormal activity work.

Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests airs Fridays at 9 p.m. on The Travel Channel.

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