The Magnetic Girl is Jessica Handler's debut novel.


The Magnetic Girl is Jessica Handler's debut novel.

In the late 19th Century, Lulu Hurst transfixed audiences as the "Georgia Wonder." An electrical storm supposedly gave the teenager supernatural powers to catapult grown men from chairs. She performed on stages from Cedartown, Georgia, to the East Coast and Midwest.

Hurst appeared in front of members of congress and government scientists. She was tested by Alexander Graham Bell, the faculty at Mercer University and the Medical College of Georgia — all baffled by mysterious force of the "electric maid."

On Second Thought host Virginia Prescott speaks with Jessica Handler.

Atlanta-based author Jessica Handler's novel, The Magnetic Girl illustrates America's attraction to cons, bamboozlers and magical thinking. Handler spoke with On Second Thought host Virginia Prescott about her fictional story. 

Handler will speak at AJC Decatur Book Festival on Sept. 1.


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