The fastest growing group of workers in the United States is people age 65 and over.


The fastest growing group of workers in the United States is people age 65 and over.

An estimated 10,000 baby boomers reach retirement age each day. By 2030, one in five Americans will be a senior citizen. Yet fewer are retiring when turning 65, and, for many, traditional retirement is not financially feasible or desired.

Ina Jaffe is a veteran correspondent for NPR covering aging in America. Her new series tackles the new realities of work and retirement for older Americans, sharing the personal stories of Americans faced with tough choices.

On Second Thought host Virginia Prescott speaks with Ina Jaffe.

Jaffe found the decision to push off retirement comes from multiple places. “It’s not all cut and dried,” Jaffe said. “It’s not people working only because they need the money. It’s not people working just because they never want to stop doing what they’re doing because they love it. It’s really a combination of reasons.”

This five-part series premieres Wednesday Oct. 2, 2019, during Morning Edition and can be found online with more of Ina Jaffe’s work.


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