Meet scream researcher Harold Gouzoules, an Emory psychologist, and hear how goats yell, frogs screech and humans use screams as nonverbal forms of critical communication. 

On Second Thought for Thursday, Oct. 31, 2019.

Christopher Berinato says writing about Savannah without mentioning ghosts is like writing about Washington, D.C. and not mentioning politics.  Creep inside the places he details in his new book Secret Savannah: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure

Georgia Public Broadcasting’s All Things Considered team turns from news stories to ghost stories this week. Indulge in three tales from Georgia’s spirit world.

Step inside the world of Edgar Allan Poe with a look at an immersive theater experience at Atlanta’s Wren’s Nest. We sit down with actor Michael Fortino for a sneak peak.


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