Leo Smith, former minority engagement director for the Georgia Republican Party, assisted 2014 discussion during a community meeting in Atlanta.


Leo Smith, former minority engagement director for the Georgia Republican Party, assisted 2014 discussion during a community meeting in Atlanta. / AP Images

The overwhelming majority of African American voters in Georgia — and the rest of the U.S. — are Democrats. About 93% of African Americans voted for Stacey Abrams in the last gubernatorial election, according to exit polls.

It's a powerful, dependable voting bloc on the left that has so far drowned out black conservatives, a slim minority of voters. The Pew Research Center says only about 8% of black voters identify as Republicans. 

On Second Thought host Virginia Prescott speaks with Kaaryn Walker and Leo Smith.

Ahead of President Trump's visit to Georgia Friday, On Second Thought got a glimpse of issues that concern black conservative voters.

Kaaryn Walker is founder of Black Conservatives for Truth. She spoke about the origins of the organization and her mission for the group. 

Leo Smith also joined the conversation. Smith is founder and president of Engage Futures Group and former member of the Georgia GOP's Ruling State Committee.


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