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Political Rewind: Georgia Teams Push For Legalizing Sports Betting
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On this edition of Political Rewind, if you are wagering that sports betting may soon be legal in Georgia, your odds of being correct have just gotten better.
The Atlanta Hawks, the Braves, Atlanta United and the Falcons have joined forces to push the legislature to make it legal. Our panel weighs in on how the battle is likely to unfold in the upcoming session.
Then, the U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments today on the legality of President Trump’s decision to end DACA. The case will influence thousands of young Georgian immigrants.
A new poll by the AJC finds that Peach State voters are evenly split on the merits of the impeachment investigation of President Trump. But a majority say that at this time, they don’t think the president should be removed from office.
Wendy Davis — Rome City Commissioner
Charles Kuck — Georgia Immigration Attorney
Kevin Riley — Editor, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Brian Robinson — Republican Strategist
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