Caucus goers check in at Roosevelt High School, Monday, Feb. 3, 2020, in Des Moines, Iowa.


Caucus goers check in at Roosevelt High School, Monday, Feb. 3, 2020, in Des Moines, Iowa. / AP

On this morning's edition of Political Rewind, Democratic candidates for president are campaigning in New Hampshire this morning even as they await the delayed results of the Iowa caucuses.

Confusion in reporting from precincts across the Hawk Eye state left the Democratic field without a clear front runner and without winnowing the field.

The turmoil in Iowa could potentially make Georgia’s late March primary even more important in picking a Democratic nominee.



(Live From Iowa) Greg Bluestein — Politics Reporter, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Carl Cavalli — Professor of Political Science, University of North Georgia

Andra Gillespie — Professor of Political Science, Emory University

Amy Steigerwalt — Professor of Political Science, Georgia State University