

Kermit "Bo" Dorough is a lawyer and politician who was elected as the mayor of Albany in 2019.

As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases continues to grow in Georgia, mayors across the state are enacting measures to protect residents from the spread of COVID-19.

GPB's Leah Fleming interview Albany Mayor Bo Dorough

Gov. Brian Kemp, who has not ordered a statewide shutdown yet, has maintained that local leaders are still best equipped to decide how to handle the outbreak in their areas.

In southwest Georgia, Dougherty County has become one of the hardest hit regions, reporting the most infections per-capita in the state.

GPB Morning Edition host Leah Fleming spoke with Albany Mayor Bo Dorough about how the virus is impacting life in his city and how local officials are working to combat the spread of the virus. 

They discussed Doughtery county's shelter-in-place order, the shortage of nurses in the area and what assistance the region is recieving during the ongoing health crisis.

Georgia coronavirus infections and deaths by county, per 100,000 people. Data: Georgia DPH, GEMA and U.S. Census Bureau.


Georgia coronavirus infections and deaths by county, per 100,000 people. Data: Georgia DPH, GEMA and U.S. Census Bureau. / GPB