The uncertainties surrounding the coronavirus pandemic can be even more complex, or downright dangerous, for both victims and survivors of domestic abuse. We’ll learn about the specific challenges for this vulnerable population — and how these victims and survivors may even struggle to get their piece of the stimulus bill.

Georgia band Indigo Girls have built a diehard community of listeners through decades of songs that touch on the joys and pains of living in the world. They were among the first to stream a live concert when social distancing restrictions were first announced. On Second Thought checks in with this pair of Georgia music legends to hear about how they're experiencing this unprecedented moment.

"On Second Thought" for Friday, Apr. 3, 2020.

Giving Kitchen is an Atlanta-based non-profit focused on providing crisis grants, resources and assistance to food service workers. Now, with restaurant closures and many folks out of work, more food industry employees find themselves in crisis than ever before. We hear how Giving Kitchen is responding, how they cannot possibly help everyone, and how regular Georgians can pitch in to the effort.

Loop It Up Savannah is a non-profit that, under normal circumstances, provides arts and enrichments after school, as well as school and summer camp classes and workshops. We learn about how now, with shelter-at-home orders in place, they’re making take-home art kits for children. 

When Atlanta resident Eddie Farr found himself anxious about the current crisis, he decided to channel that into a creative project. And so, he built a DIY musical hand wash timer. Since then, he’s been selling kits — at cost — so that parents can have a fun activity to do with their kids at home. He’s also applying his techy talents to corral folks who have 3D printers to help make medical face shields for healthcare workers in Georgia.

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