A sign along the Atlant Beltline urges those walking to stay home to avoid spreading the coronavirus.

A sign along the Atlant Beltline urges those walking to stay home to avoid spreading the coronavirus. / GPB News

Today on Political Rewind, president of the American Medical Association Dr. Patrice Harris joined us to discuss her observations on how medical professionals are faring as they fight the virus.

And, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has endorsed his former opponent Joe Biden in the race for the Presidency. In Sanders' speech, he said he would do “all he could” to get the former vice president into the White House.


Tamar Hallerman – Senior Reporter, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Dr. Patrice Harris – President of the American Medical Association

Kyle Hayes – Co-Founder and Host, PeachPod

Amy Steigerwalt – Political Science Professor, GSU