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Have Questions About The Macon-Bibb Elections? Here Are Some Answers
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When do I vote in Macon-Bibb County?
June 9 is the date for the General Primary for Democrat and Republican candidates, Nonpartisan General Election and the Presidential Preference Primary. The ballot will include candidates for Macon-Bibb mayor, commission, school board, Macon Water Authority, state and other local races and presidential candidates.
If a runoff is needed in the Macon-Bibb mayor’s race or other multiple candidate races, when would it be?
The General Primary and Nonpartisan General Election runoff will be held on Aug. 11. The runoff for the Nov. 3 General Election will be Dec. 1 for local and state races.
When do we vote for president and Macon-Bibb’s partisan offices, such as sheriff?
The General Election is scheduled for Nov. 3.
Do I have to come to the polls to vote?
No, you can request an absentee ballot that must be mailed far enough in advance to arrive at the Board of Elections by the date of the election. An application for an absentee ballot must be received by June 5 for the June 9 election, by Aug. 7 for the Aug. 11 runoff, by Oct. 30 for the General Election Nov. 3 and by Nov. 27 for the Dec. 1 runoff.
How do I get an absentee ballot?
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, absentee ballot applications are being mailed to all of Georgia’s voters for the June 9 election. If you did not receive one, you can request one by contacting the Macon-Bibb County Board of Elections at 478-621-6622, by mail at P.O. Box 6297, Macon, GA 31208, in person at 2525 Pio Nono Avenue, Suite 1200, or through emailing, or fax 478-621-6199.
Online absentee ballot applications can be found and filed electronically at the Board of Elections or Secretary of States office using this form.
Can I vote ahead of election day?
Yes. In-person advance voting for the General Primary, Nonpartisan General Election and Presidential Preference Primary will be held Monday through Friday May 18 to June 5 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Macon-Bibb County Board of Elections at 2525 Pio Nono Ave. including Saturday voting on May 30 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Advance voting for the General Election will be held Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Oct. 12-30 and Saturday, Oct. 24, at the Board of Elections.
What if I already voted before the election was postponed?
The Board of Elections is holding your Presidential Preference ballot which will be counted with the others on election day. You will need to return to the polls to vote in the General Primary and Nonpartisan General Election and will receive a special ballot without the Presidential Preference candidates.
When is the deadline to register to vote?
You must be registered to vote by May 11 to vote in the June 9 election and by Oct. 5 to vote on Nov. 3.
How can I find out if my voter registration is active?
The Georgia Secretary of State’s My Voter Page online at has a voter login where you can plug in your first initial, last name, county of residence and date of birth to see your voter registration information.
Where is my voting precinct?
You can find your polling location by visiting the Georgia Secretary of State’s My Voter Page at and plugging in your birthdate, last name and first initial. Your precinct information will give you directions to the polls and also indicates which congressional, state and local districts you live in.
Where can I get a free voter ID card?
The state of Georgia offers free voter identification cards at any county registrar office or Department of Driver Services location. You must have a photo identity document or approved non-photo identity document that includes your full legal name and date of birth, documentation showing your date of birth, evidence you are a registered voter and documentation showing your name and residential address.
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