We're inviting college students around the country to create a podcast — about anything you want! — and compete for a chance to have your work appear on NPR.

Be a part of the NPR Student Podcast Challenge: College Edition

Here's how it works: Put together a podcast with your friends, your club, or by yourself and submit it to us.

This contest is for students pursuing an associate's or bachelor's degree. There is no age restriction! Each podcast should be between three and eight minutes long.

The winning podcast submissions will be featured in segments on NPR's Morning Edition or All Things Considered.

We don't expect you to be experts. In fact, we assume that most of you are putting a podcast together for the very first time. Don't panic!

Visit our submission guide to find suggested prompts, guidelines for submissions, and a list of questions you might have.

But before you do anything, it's important to read the official rules here.

Sure, this is a competition, but it's also about telling stories in a fun way. We want to make that process easier — so we've put together materials to help you along the way.

We'll have more content coming out soon for college students! But for now you can find our materials for the main Student Podcast Challenge (for students in grades 5-12) and our podcast about how to make a podcast.

Questions? Read through our frequently asked questions here. If you're still looking for an answer, send us an email at studentpodcastchallenge@npr.org.

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.