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Lawmakers Brief: Georgia Senate Passes Online Sports Betting Legislation
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The Georgia State Senate passed two pieces of gambling legislation on Friday.
Senate Resolution 135 would allow Georgians to vote on a constitutional amendment legalizing online sports betting.
On the Senate floor, Senator Jeff Mullis said said online sports betting is already happening in Georgia. He said his resolution is simply allowing the very people that the legislators' represent to decide either no or yes.
Mullis said his resolution is just a starting point, especially when it comes to what should be done with the money from online sports betting.
With 41 votes, SR 135 (https://www.legis.ga.gov/legislation/59914) passed with the needed two-third majority. The final vote was 41-10 with bipartisan support and opposition.
The Senate also passed Senate Bill 142 (https://www.legis.ga.gov/legislation/59534), which would regulate online sports betting if Georgia voters approve the constitutional amendment. It passed 34-17.
SR 135 and SB 142 now go to the House.