Savannah Mayor Van Johnson poses with moms holding baskets of flowers


Savannah Mayor Van Johnson poses with mothers who have lost children to gun violence after giving them Mother's Day flowers and calling on parents to combat gun violence.

Credit: Nick Zoller

Savannah is calling on parents to help combat gun violence this summer. 

Flanked by mothers who’ve lost children to gun violence, Savannah Mayor Van Johnson Friday asked parents to hold kids accountable. The group laid out ten steps for parents to take over 100 days, beginning on Mother’s Day, to prevent shootings.

The steps include knowing your children’s friends and what they’re up to, and locking up any guns.

a graphic listing steps for parents to take against gun violence


Savannah is calling on parents to take steps against gun violence.

Credit: City of Savannah

“The police cannot mother our children,” Johnson said. “Mothers have to mother our children, fathers have to father our children, and the village helps us to raise our children.”

Johnson said he’s also working with churches on a way for people to turn in unwanted guns, no questions asked.

Local TV and radio stations plan to revive public service announcements asking parents “do you know where your children are,” Johnson said.