Have you reinvented yourself at your job?

Have you reinvented yourself at your job? / NPR

Fields that are traditionally geographically centered in one place are now open to people outside that place - such as the New York publishing industry, or the Silicon Valley tech industry. One outcome of the pandemic is that some people have been able to completely transform their work lives.

NPR's Morning Edition wants to know how the pandemic has given you the opportunity to re-invent yourself. Maybe you started a new career, moved to a new city or both. Were geographical limitations removed during the pandemic or what made this possible for you? Did these past few years help you reframe your priorities? Please let us know via the form below — we may contact you for a story.

Your submission will be governed by our general Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. As the Privacy Policy says, we want you to be aware that there may be circumstances in which the exemptions provided under law for journalistic activities or freedom of expression may override privacy rights you might otherwise have.

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