A Cobb County School bus moves on street Friday, March 13, 2020, in Kennesaw, Ga.

A Cobb County School bus moves on street Friday, March 13, 2020, in Kennesaw, Ga. Georgia's second-largest school district on Thursday, July 14, 2022 approved a policy allowing some employees who aren't certified police officers carry guns in schools, but excluded teachers from those who can be armed. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart, File)

Credit: AP Photo/Mike Stewart, File

The Cobb County school board approved a plan to let some employees who aren't certified police officers carry guns in schools. Teachers are excluded from those who can be armed.

A new 3-digit crisis hotline, 988, hoped to be a quick way to get emergency mental health care anywhere in the nation, goes live Saturday.  

The Savannah City Council voted to spend more than $6 million on solar panels.

A textile factory on the Ogeechee River at the center of an investigation into a massive fish kill in 2011 is closing.